Minify CSS


Minify CSS Online

Minify CSS Online is a lightweight tool to minify css data online without changing functionality or code.

Minify CSS Online is the best tool because it's simple to use just copy, paste and minify CSS.

What is Minify CSS?

Minify CSS is a tool that can be utilized while designing web pages.

While loading the CSS so server takes a time, so this tool helps to reduce server time while loading CSS file because with the help of minify CSS tool CSS will be minify/ compress and file size also reduce so it will be loaded faster the server.

How to Utilize an Online Minify CSS Tool?

  1. Copy your CSS code.
  2. Paste your CSS code in Input CSS Box.
  3. Now you can see your minify CSS code in output box.
  4. You can also download minefield CSS code using our download functionality.
  5. If you want to beautify CSS again so you can do with the help of our CSS Beautify tool.
  6. If you want to format your CSS so you can do with the help of our CSS Formatter tool.
  7. We also provide more feature of Online CSS Tools that you can perform various operations of CSS.

Advantage of using our Online Minify CSS tool:

There are various advantages of using Minify CSS tool as below.

  1. It is an easy and fast way to minify CSS online.
  2. It is provide feature to download converted CSS.
  3. It helps to compress your file size as well so load time of that file on the server will be decreased.
  4. While performing the minify CSS so the functionality remain the same.
  5. CSS file load faster on server so it helps to boost SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

Example Minify CSS

CSS Input
  body {
    background-color: lightgreen;
  p {
    margin-bottom: 150px;
    margin-left: 100px;
    margin-right: 200px;
    margin-top: 200px;
Minify CSS output
body {background-color: lightgreen;}p {margin-bottom: 150px;margin-left: 100px;margin-right: 200px;margin-top: 200px;}
Try Minify CSS.

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